Empower Motivate Inspire
Over 97% of our clients reported that ASÉ's mentoring programme significantly increased their confidence, aspirations and motivation helping them to live healthier and happier lives.
1 in 2 Mentees we support move into Further Education, Training or sustainable Employment.

i-MATTER represents an innovative and flexible life changing peer mentoring support programme, for disadvantaged, or at risk young people and adults. The programme provides a holistic approach to effectively engage, guide, re-motivate and empower participants to address multiple complex issues preventing personal progression.
i-MATTER focuses son implementing SMART Actions Plans and strategies while delivering effective mentoring to support our Mentees and address their individual needs to overcome barriers that are preventing their progression to achieve personal development and growth.
We can deliver tutor led mentoring sessions, activities and workshops to re-engage participants, alongside practical learning and strategies. Our team of qualified Mentors deliver intensive 1-1 and group mentoring sessions and workshops to re-engage, inspire and empower our Mentees.
Programme duration is adapted to meet our clients’ needs, we carefully tailor the programmes incorporating a range of one day workshops or we design and deliver specific programmes that are flexible and can run from between 6 weeks to 12 months.
ASÉ’s programmes embeds key mentoring techniques to empower and build self-reliance. Our programmes are designed to further develop Mentees’ communications skills, confidence and help them to build better relationships. Mentees develop problem solving techniques and utilize mentoring skills effectively, to drive peer mentoring, to further empower themselves and filter through to others creating the ripple effect.

i-MPOWER Focuses on Personal & Professional Development.
ASÉ Team will mentor and coach client groups to:
Identify a career path and how to get there
Identify barriers to success
Develop Employability Skills and work-readiness
Construct a CV and Cover Letter that matches the Mentee’s employment goals
Prepare for job interviews
Further develop the soft skills that are essential to developing and progressing in the workplace
Further develop self-management strategies to ensure job sustainability
Identify and provide access to other relevant resources available in the community, which will add value to their growth and achieving success during and after the programme delivery.

ASÉ Offers a Range of Accredited and Bespoke Programmes.
We provide a wide range of training options, each has their own unique design, delivery and impact.
Mentoring Training
An Introduction to Mentoring
L1 Mentoring Training
L2 Mentoring Training
Employability Skills Training
CV Building
Job Applications
Interview Techniques
Sector Based Training
Personal Development
Equality & Diversity
Are You Unconsciously Bias?
Lead Safeguarding
Raising Awareness – Keeping Safe Series
Understanding County Lines
Gang and Knife Crime Awareness
Modern Slavery – Is It In The UK?
Well being and Mental Health Awareness
Safeguarding In A Youth Setting