FIRST PCC Coffee Morning/Brunch @ Sands End Arts Community Centre has been a GREAT SUCCESS!!!! Amazing safe space created for parents & carers by parents & carers in the community coming together, to share experiences, concerns, seek advice and build connections.
An amazing group came together generating extremely deep and reflective discussions around Parenting, Education, Youth Offending, Police, and the emotional and social needs of Young People.
Group agreed to have future weekly Coffee Morning/Brunch sessions, on Mondays or Tuesdays @12.30pm - 2pm. Next session date in November 2021 to be confirmed. Please stay tuned here - visit PCCN webpage for updates.
Visit PCCN webpage
Twitter: @ASEmentoring
Insta: @Active_Successful_Engagement
Thanking everyone for your amazing participation and support.
Team ASÉ
