cost of living
We all worry about the growing cost of food and fuel bills, keeping our homes warm and the rising costs of renting or owning a home. There's lots of support available for residents of H&F, such as Hardship crisis payments, fuel vouchers, funding for warm meals and food banks, free school breakfasts and free home care. Money mangement classes are also available. The Cost-of-Living Team in H&F is available to help everyone get the support they need. Its FREE to call them on 0800 917 6994 or Email: costoflivingteam@lbhf.gov.uk
Nourish Hub
020 7967 1302
Offers hot meals every weekday on a 'pay as you can' basis, plus free cookery classes and breakfasts
H&F Law Centre
020 3880 1727
Are you at risk of eviction?
If your landlord tries to evict you without going to court or threatens your services (gas, electricity or water) you can get free legal advice.
H&F Foodbank
020 7731 3693
Open weekly across 4 loctions. Offers free food parcels to residents in need upon referral
0800 138 1111
Offers debt support and works with you through budget challenges and debt solutions.
Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
0800 121 4600
For children aged upto 16 years old. The child must require extra care and attention and/or supervision, or have long-term mobility problems and difficulty getting around.
What Our Clients Say